Taylor Marie Self

Just Another White Oak Blog!


Feature Writing #1

He had not seen a smile on her face in a long time, and that was because of Locks of Love. Jim Stack had made a thoughtful donation to a nonprofit organization called Locks of love. Jim decided to grow his hair out to give to his little sister who had cancer and lost all of her hair. “Had I approved Jim’s request, then I would have students everyday asking if they also could break the dress code.” Tonya King said. Principal Tonya King denied jim’s request because she thought it was wrong to say yes to one student and not allow the other students to do what they ask. “I hope the board approves my request.”
As Jim waits and hopes that the board will allow him to grow out his hair and donate to the nonprofit organization, he patiently grows his hair anyways. jim doesn’t understand why the board should not let him grow it out and donate because it’s not like he is doing it for fun, he is helping out his sister and trying to put a smile on her face.
“I am proud of Jim.” After Jim’s request was approved he was thought in many different ways by many people. Many people like the fact he is trying to help and not only is it putting a smile on his little sister’s face, it is putting a smile on other family’s faces that know the family.


News Story #3

Competing to win first place, the track fielders and runners are competing in February at track meets at all schools.
“I don’t like running competitively, I only like to run on my free time for fun, I like to run my own speed and not have to run as fast as I can.”
Nathan Trotter, a freshman non-track runner, does not like running competitively so this year he chose not to run track because he rather run on his own time just for fun. Also Nathan does indeed love to run but he thinks he would enjoy it more when he isn’t running for a team.
“I’m in it because I love it, and I love the competition required.”
Freshman current track runner, Victoria Babineaux, loves the sport track and continues to do what she loves. Victoria is in track because she loves to run and she does what she loves.
“No, because I am going to focus on football and my school work, also I am taking piano lessons.”
Freshman, Nathan Trotter, is not going to continue to do track throughout High-School because he has many more activities he wants to focus on rather than having to stay after school and run track when he could be getting better at all his other activities.
“Every day through the cold and warm so that you will be in good shape when it’s time to compete.”
Another quote from Nathan Trotter, A freshman at White Oak High School, says you should workout every single day that you can so that your are prepared for track when it’s here and not out of shape and if you’re out of shape then you will not get the spot that you want.


Want or Need?


Decision Making Project


News Story 2

The first peer mediation court will meet Tuesday to review student tickets received on campus. The district formed this panel in reaction to the overuse of the city court system.

“We have been getting a lot of complaints from parents about Officer Collado being ‘ticket happy.’’

Many people know that the Officer has been handing out tickets a lot, but many also think he has been very strict on student but when really he is only doing his job. Through Barbara Collado’s 6 years of patrolling the school the number of tickets have increased every year, therefore the number of students out of class have increased also.

“We’ve seen where peer mediation in other schools has been quite successful,” local lawyer, Lauren Davis said. “We think it will alleviate some pressure of the court system here, and let the students feel like they really have a chance here.”

If a student receives a ticket or other punishment, they are not required to appeal to the court. They may pay their ticket, serve their detention or accept the punishment they have been given. The peer mediation court is for those who disagree with their punishment.

Students who do this will not have their infraction recorded in school or city files, but must abide by the decision of the panel.

“When this opportunity came up i knew i wanted to sit on the panel. I can help others who have felt that they have noone to turn to” junior and member of the judging panel said. “Im not that patient to those who blatantly break the rules.


Career Investigation Project



Career Investigation Project



Career Investigation Project



Career Investigation Project


I desire to be a Personal Trainer
Completed and passed a CPR class, High School diploma or GED, 18 years of age
$125,000 is the average salary for a Personal Trainer
1. American Council on Exercise (ACE)
2. National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
3. International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
4. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
5. National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)


Personal Resume

Taylor Self
806 Brookhollow Road
White Oak, Tx 75693
[email protected]
I desire to work as a Personal Trainer in the Sports-Medicine Field.

I am currently a freshman at White Oak High School and expected to graduate in 2018.

Child care
Baby-Sat children, and worked in the church nursery
Elder Care
Help my grandmother and grandfather because they are old

A-B Honor Roll 2010-2014
Volleyball Player 2011-2014
Track Star 2011-2014
Cheerleader 2006-2014

Volunteer Experience
Big Brothers
Car Wash For Volleyball

Member of volleyball team
Member of the track team

Computer Skills
Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Internet

Available upon request

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